Getting to grips with CBAM



Alessandro Vitelli | Head of Content, Carbonwise
& Frank Watson | Senior Writer, Carbonwise
Session Length: 50 Mins
Delivery: Zoom

Carbon markets are a vital part of the global response to climate change.

Long understood by economists as a critical policy lever to shift patterns of carbon-intensive activity onto a cleaner trajectory, carbon markets continue to emerge all over the world.

But what are the different carbon markets currently in place, who are key actors in the space and what role can corporates and individuals play? Gain a high-level overview of the world of carbon markets, from legally-binding cap-and-trade systems to the rapidly expanding global voluntary carbon markets.

If you are new to the world of carbon markets, this live video training session is the perfect place to begin the exciting journey. It will provide a comprehensive overview of carbon markets today, why they have come about and what they aim to achieve. Taking this course will enable the learner to gain a solid understanding of the different kinds of carbon pricing policies in place around the world, from legally-binding cap-and-trade systems and national carbon taxes to voluntary markets for carbon credits.

In this session you'll gain:

  • A valuable guide to the climate negotiations under the UNFCCC
  • A concise summary of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change
  • Insight into the Nationally Determined Contributions process
  • An understanding of Article 6.2 – the UN’s bilateral emissions trading mechanism
  • Knowledge of Article 6.4 – the UN’s centralised carbon crediting system


  • 50 minute live & interactive video session
  • Presentation delivered by independent Carbonwise experts
  • Q&A segment to ask your own questions & quiz to test your learning
  • A comprehensive written guide to refresh your knowledge

ON-DEMAND Training

On Demand Session: Getting to grips with CBAM



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