What Are Carbon Offsets?

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Learn about the role carbon offsets play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and support companies and countries on their journeys to net zero. The video, which has been created in collaboration with our sponsors Net Zero Markets, ACX and EEX Group, also explains the difference between carbon reductions and removals as well as detailing the different sectors that can encompass a carbon offset. These vary from restoring mangroves, switching open fires for more efficient cookstoves through to technology solutions that remove carbon from the atmosphere. 

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Karen Norton has a distinguished career spanning over three decades in the metals industry. She dedicated 11 years as an analyst at the globally acclaimed

The Carbonwise editorial team is formed of seasoned established industry writers and specialist journalists.


What are the various greenhouse gases (GHGs)? Where do they come from, and what is their significance?
An international treaty on climate change adopted by 196 governments at the COP21 summit in Paris in 2015 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
In the context of the voluntary carbon market, a ‘claim’ refers to the use of carbon credits by a company or other organisation to achieve

22 August 2024

What Are the Different Greenhouse Gases?

What are the various greenhouse gases (GHGs)? Where do they come from, and what is their significance?

20 August 2024

Paris Agreement

An international treaty on climate change adopted by 196 governments at the COP21 summit in Paris in 2015 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

9 August 2024

What is a ‘Claim’ in the Context of Carbon Credits?

In the context of the voluntary carbon market, a ‘claim’ refers to the use of carbon credits by a company or other organisation to achieve a specified environmental or sustainability goal.

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