What Are Carbon Removals?
Carbon removals are activities that remove carbon emissions (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere and store them away (in rocks, underground or in vegetation) so that they no longer form part of our atmosphere.
What Are the Markets for Carbon Credits?
In the main, carbon credits represent a voluntary commitment to offset emissions from one source by purchasing and retiring a carbon credit that represents carbon saved elsewhere.
How Do Compliance Carbon Markets Work?
Carbon trading is a hot topic – businesses are crowding into the space looking to develop trading capabilities in the various carbon markets that exist around the world.
What Are the Common Criticisms of Offsets?
The world of carbon offsetting has come under attack from many sides, with some critics describing the voluntary carbon market as nothing more than ‘greenwashing.’
What Are Carbon Credits? Credits VS. Allowances
What’s the difference between a carbon offset credit and a carbon allowance? Quite a lot, as it happens. Here’s an easy explainer to help understand the core differences between these important assets.
Why Do We Have Carbon Markets?
Carbon markets can broadly be broken down into two distinct types: compliance and voluntary. Compliance markets establish an absolute limit on how much carbon dioxide can be emitted into the atmosphere by all the entities covered by the market system.
What Kind of Carbon Markets Are There?
Carbon markets can broadly be broken down into two distinct types: compliance and voluntary. Compliance markets establish an absolute limit on how much carbon dioxide can be emitted into the atmosphere by all the entities covered by the market system.
How Are Credits ‘Used’? The Life Cycle of a Carbon Credit
Carbon offsets or credits can be used by individuals, companies, countries and any organisation to counterbalance the negative impact of their residual carbon emissions.
How Are We Responding to Climate Change?
There is no escaping the urgency of action against climate change. It has long been a pressing issue, addressed at global summits and discussed by policymakers, media and governments.